
Notesaretime-stampedcommentsthattheownerofavideocanaddfortheirviewers.Notesarevisibletoanyoneviewingyourvideoandallowviewersto ...,2023年7月3日—...videoinlowquality.AskifyforChromeworksdirectlyinYoutube,Just...AutoNotes—Takeautomaticnoteswithtimestampinjustoneclick.,2022年2月2日—LookslikeyoucanwatchembeddedvideosinObsidianandtaketimestamplinkednotesthatallowyoutotrackwhereinthevideoanotewastak...

About notes

Notes are time-stamped comments that the owner of a video can add for their viewers. Notes are visible to anyone viewing your video and allow viewers to ...


2023年7月3日 — ... video in low quality. Askify for Chrome works directly in Youtube, Just ... AutoNotes — Take automatic notes with timestamp in just one click.

How do you create Timestamps for Youtube Videos inside ...

2022年2月2日 — Looks like you can watch embedded videos in Obsidian and take timestamp linked notes that allow you to track where in the video a note was taken ...


This plugin allows side-by-side notetaking with videos. Annotate your notes with timestamps to directly control the video and remember where each note comes ...

Take notes on videos. Save Timestamps & Screenshots.

Connect ReClipped with your favourite note-taking and productivity apps such as Evernote, Notion, Readwise. So that your video notes automatically sync into the ...


Learn and review video notes by timestamps. Great for video learners, watching tutorials, lessons, lectures, masterclass, research or just bookmarking ...

Video Screenshots and Notes

AI-powered Visual Notes for Videos For Visual Thinkers. Take screenshots and capture slides automatically on videos on YouTube, Udemy, Coursera & more!

YouTube or even any video timestamp notetaking

2021年4月4日 — The workflow should be Watch video > press hotkey > insert timestamp/link > type notes. ... notes below the video area with timestamps, without ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
